Normal Dysfunctional Family: English Comedy Competition
Embark on a wildly entertaining journey with our stand-up comedy game show, where comedians go head-to-head, turning childhood traumas into comedic gold. As the audience, you decide which comedian had the most hilarious and challenging upbringing .🥳
The competition has 3 rounds:
🔥Round 1 (Stand-up set): Each comedian will do a 5 minute stand-up set about their family and childhood misadventures so be prepared to witness stories from all around the world, ranging from failing a medical exam in India to being beaten with a baguette in France. 😂
🔥Round 2 (Family argument): At the beginning of the show we will hand out pieces of paper for everybody in the audience in order to write down „a location“ and „a subject“ and then our comedians will battle each other in an improvised family argument based on your notes.🥳
🔥Round 3 (Scenes We’d Like to See): An improvisational round where there will be a list of family related topics and the comedians must provide suggestions for it.
Examples of topics:
„What can you say to your drug dealer but not to your parents?“
„Describe your family life with a movie title“
Join us for a night filled with laughter and camaraderie, as we celebrate the resilience and wit of these spirited performers, if you are brave enough bring your family with you.😅
🎤 Host by Mihai Tartara 🇷🇴(IG: @mihaithewerewolf)
Mihai was a finalist at Berlin Stand-up Comedy Award 2022 and has performed a full run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival with his show „Dirty Anxious Vampire“ , „Unique perspective“(The Wee Review).
It’s NOT A FREE SHOW. It’s Pay What You Want. You just decide the amount you want to pay AFTER the show. Artists deserve to be paid. If you plan to not pay at all, please don’t come to our show!!
💰 We suggest a donation of 10€ – 15€.
💰 Students & unemployed 7€ – 10€.
💰 We accept cards & cash.